Monday, April 27, 2009

Hairbrush Jacuzzi


I love mornings. Getting up before everyone else, enjoying that first cup of coffee, savoring the quiet. Then dashing through the shower, giving my face an invigorating apricot scrub, getting ready to face the day. This morning I was actually singing in the shower! I was energized, pumped up, and ready to face the day!

Then I started looking for my hair brush. It was not on the shelf it belonged on. So, I ventured out of the bathroom, wrapped in a robe, towel on my head , and began questioning the whole household. No one had seen it. I even had one of my own lines used on me to the tune of "I don't use your brush Mommy. You should be more responsible." Argh! I know I put it away last night, so where did the darn thing go? Guess. You'll never guess. It was in the toilet. Yes, you read that right, the toilet. Another round of questioning and the entire household is innocent. no one knows how it got there. Of course not. All I know is that Mommy did not put her brush in the potty. Life with kids is such an adventure! photo by Darwin Bell

It sure is Monday. I can't wait to see how the rest of the day unfolds. But, I am grateful it was my hairbrush swimming in the potty instead of my toothbrush!

Happy Monday!


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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